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Blind Surpasses 8 Million Subscribers in the global market.

Philip Lee profile image
by Philip Lee
Blind Surpasses 8 Million Subscribers in the global market.
Source: Team Blind

Blind, the anonymous professional community platform, recently surpassed 8 million global subscribers with 9.2 million monthly active users (MAUs).

In January, Team Blind, the platform operator, announced that the number of Blind subscribers exceeded 8 million, with 79% of Samsung, SK, and Hyundai employees signing up for the platform.

Blind’s subscriber growth is accelerating, with over 2 million employees joining the platform in the past year, averaging 5,400 employees per day.

Blind is the number one social platform for employees in terms of frequency of visits and is particularly popular among employees of large companies, with a monthly active user (MAU) to daily active user (DAU) ratio of 50%.

New comments on Blind exceeded 6 million in January.

Blind’s recruitment service, Blind Hire, revamped its business model in January, allowing companies to post jobs in front of 5 million workers in South Korea.

Blind Hire also offers subscribers the convenience of viewing job postings and employee reviews in one place.

Blind aims to increase its profitability and achieve the same level of usability in the U.S. as in South Korea and on the West Coast, where it has become a universal platform for office workers.

Blind’s ultimate goal is to become a global platform for workers.

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Blind secures its Series C funding with $37 million.

Bleet by Team Blind, the most popular workers’ anonymous community application.

Blind now reach 4 Million users.

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by Philip Lee

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