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Naver's "MY Golf" Update Boosts Golf Community Features

Source: Naver Corp

SEOUL, South Korea - Naver announced the launch of "MY Golf," a customized service for sports fans. 

The updated platform includes a beta version of the "Round" feature, which allows users to create, recruit, manage, and communicate within small golf groups, amateur tournaments, and alumni associations.

The Round feature allows golf group leaders and tournament organizers to quickly set up meetings or tournaments, specifying location, schedule, and eligibility requirements. 

The platform provides convenient group or tournament management tools, including participant management, prize management, and sponsor settings.

Amateur golf tournaments seeking participants can promote their events and recruit players through N Golf.

In cooperation with the Korea Golf Association and SmartScore, Naver has integrated the official handicap system to ensure fair rounds. 

When playing on courses connected to SmartScore, scores are automatically synchronized, and rankings are calculated, increasing convenience and participant engagement.

Naver has previously promoted community activation through features such as OpenTalk, which supports group viewing of golf broadcasts, and "Pick N Golf," the first golf fantasy game in South Korea. 

The updated "MY Golf" platform actively supports these initiatives by allowing participants to upload photos, videos, and posts directly, share memories, and continue communication before and after rounds using Naver's OpenTalk feature.

Additional features introduced in the update include golfer ratings, profile settings, and friend-tracking functions.

