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South Korean Telecoms Drive AI Future at MWC 2024

Source: KT

Seoul, South Korea - At Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024, South Korean telecom giants SK Telecom and KT are showcasing a range of cutting-edge technologies spanning artificial intelligence (AI), urban air mobility (UAM), and next-generation networks.

SK Telecom (NYSE: SKM) highlights the development of large language models (LLMs) tailored to the telecommunications industry. 

The company also highlights AI applications in media, healthcare, and network infrastructure. 

SK Telecom CEO Ryu Young-sang will be present at MWC to further promote the company's transformation into a global AI leader.

KT (NYSE: KT) is focused on integrating AI and network technologies for advanced solutions in various fields. 

The company's UAM Experience Space demonstrates its efforts in aviation network specialization and UAM intelligent traffic management. 

KT also showcases open network API technology, quantum cryptographic communication, and AI contextual advertising solutions.

In contrast to both SK Telecom and KT, LG uPlus will have its executives participate as visitors. 

The executive delegations will check AI, 5G/6G, XR, and metaverse trends.

The company will discuss the partnership with various global telecom companies, such as Google and Amazon Web Services. 

