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Fumio Kishida and Sam Altman Discuss AI Regulatory Concerns and Potential Adoption

Source: OpenAI

Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida met with Sam Altman, CEO and co-founder of OpenAI, on Monday to discuss regulatory concerns surrounding the ChatGPT artificial intelligence tool and its potential use in government.

The meeting took place in Tokyo, where Altman highlighted the benefits of AI technology and ways to mitigate its drawbacks.

Source: Prime Minister Office of Japan

Altman reportedly raised the possibility of OpenAI, backed by investors including Microsoft, opening an office in Japan.

In response to the privacy concerns surrounding ChatGPT, Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno acknowledged the temporary ban imposed by the Italian government but stressed that Japan recognizes the benefits of the technology.

Matsuno said Tokyo would consider using ChatGPT for administrative tasks to reduce the workload of government employees while implementing measures to prevent the leak of classified information and personal data.

Altman will also meet with lawmakers from the Liberal Democratic Party to discuss legislative issues and the feasibility of using ChatGPT in public administration.

The meetings may also touch on G7 discussions on AI risks, as Japan holds the rotating presidency and will host a summit in Hiroshima next month.

This is the first time a G7 leader has met with the CEO of OpenAI.

Digital Minister Kono has expressed a positive attitude towards using interactive AI, including ChatGPT, to prepare answers to parliamentary questions.

However, growing concerns about personal data breaches have led to increased regulation in Europe and the U.S., prompting calls for Japan to participate in the development of international rules.

