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SK Telecom is launching an AI-based veterinary X-ray diagnosis service in Australia.

Source: SK Telecom

Seoul, South Korea - SK Telecom (NYSE: SKM) has announced the official launch of its AI-based veterinary X-ray image diagnosis assistance service, 'X Caliber,' in Australia. 

The service, which analyzes X-ray images of dogs and cats within 15 seconds, has been demonstrated to detect various abnormalities with a sensitivity of 86-94%.

In November 2023, SK Telecom entered into a strategic partnership with ATX Medical Solutions, an Australian medical device provider, to prepare for the commercial launch of X Caliber. 

The service is currently accessible to over 100 veterinary clinics in Australia.

Furthermore, the company has entered into a commercial contract with Indonesia's largest premium veterinary hospital chain, MEDIVET Pet Hospital & Clinic, to provide X Caliber to its hospitals. 

SK Telecom views this agreement as an opportunity to introduce the service to the Southeast Asian market.

