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Rising Tensions: Chinese Hackers Target South Korean Websites Amid COVID-19 Measures.

Photo by Clint Patterson / Unsplash

The number of cyberattacks in South Korea has increased.

More than 2,000 websites, including government agencies, public institutions, and the media, have been attacked by hackers believed to be Chinese hackers.

An unknown Chinese hacker organization has warned of hacking attacks on Korean government agencies.

These attacks come amid escalating tensions between the two countries. China protests measures South Korea has taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including restricting short-term visas for Chinese citizens and reducing flights.

This is not the first time Chinese hackers have targeted South Korea. In the past, there have been increased hacking attacks before and after deploying the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system.

As a result, the South Korean government and the private sector have jointly responded to the recent attacks. The Minister of Science and ICT visited the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) to learn about the status of the emergency response system.

The Ministry of Science and ICT has stated that it monitors cyber websites 24 hours daily to prepare for hacker attacks, ransomware, and smishing.

It has also established an emergency response system.

As a result, 26,000 chief information security officers and 2,200 companies participating in the Cyber Threat Information Sharing System will receive emergency information and be instructed to increase the security of their administrator accounts.

These cyberattacks remind us of the importance of cybersecurity and the need for countries to work together to combat the threat of cyberattacks.

As tensions between nations continue to rise, measures must be taken to protect against cyberattacks and minimize the damage they cause.

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