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WEF Summit Advances Responsible Global AI Development

Photo by Evangeline Shaw / Unsplash

San Francisco, CA, USA - The World Economic Forum's AI Governance Summit in San Francisco brought together more than 200 leaders from diverse global sectors to discuss the future of generative artificial intelligence (AI). 

Led by the AI Governance Alliance (AIGA), the summit focused on setting international standards for the use of AI.

Why It Matters:

The summit represents a concerted effort to shape the trajectory of AI development. 

It's a response to the growing importance of AI in various sectors and the need for ethical guidelines to govern its development and application.

The Key Points

  • The summit followed the April 2023 Responsible AI Leadership Conference and its Presidio Recommendations, which aimed to advance AI governance.
  • Discussions included the need for ethical AI development to manage risks and the application of AI across sectors.
  • Key outcomes included evaluating open-source model releases, improving global access to AI resources, recognizing the role of data and cloud services in reducing the digital divide, and developing flexible international AI governance standards.

What They Say:

Jeremy Jurgens, managing director of the World Economic Forum, emphasized the critical balance between innovation and risk management in AI development. "Managing risk in the development of generative AI is critical to its transformative potential," Jurgens said.

Brad Smith of Microsoft and Kent Walker of Google and Alphabet supported responsible AI development. They highlighted the role of the AI Governance Alliance in establishing a modern framework for new technologies that focus on balancing opportunity, responsibility, and safety.

What Comes Next:

This summit was a step towards ensuring that AI development meets global ethical standards and benefits society. 

The AI Governance Alliance, an initiative of the World Economic Forum, aims to unite leaders across sectors to promote the responsible, transparent, and inclusive design and deployment of AI systems. 

The Alliance's work is critical to ensuring that the benefits of AI technology are shared equitably around the world, including in underdeveloped regions.

